An Investigation into factors contributing to Noise Induced Hearing Loss among miners at Chibuluma Mine PLC in Kalulushi District, Copperbelt Province

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University of Lusaka


Noise induced hearing loss has been reported amongst the three top occupational health diseases within the mines in Zambia. One’s occupation is widespread risk factor, the strong evidence linking it to a significant health outcome loss. In Zambia any employee diagnosed with Noise induced Hearing Loss restricted to low noise level working areas and or is medically discharged from the Mining Sector if an alternative place of work cannot be found. It is therefore imperative that the factors responsible for Noise Induced hearing Loss are identified and make recommendations to reduce the impacts. A qualitative, phenome logical, exploratory, descriptive and contextual design was applied in order to explore and describe the factors that contribute to noise induced hearing loss. A purposive and convenience sampling was used to select the participants in this study. Therefore, interviews, observation, documentation and virtual materials were used to collect data. Probing questions were asked to follow up, seek clarity and obtain more information through an interview guide. All the interviews were captured on a voice recorder and field notes were taken on observable behaviours. The following themes emerged: experiences and challenges faced by employees in the work environment, noise hazards and health employees, hearing protective device factors and management and leadership factors. The study reviewed that employees were faced with different challenges in their work environment. The challenges included the nonexistence of noise hazards, implementation of screening tests and maintenance and repair of faulty equipment. Such challenges were perceived to be some of the contributing factors NIHL at Chibuluma Mine Plc. The results of this study indicated that induced hearing loss was caused by a combination various contributing factor. Failure to apply the guidelines, polices and procedure from the department of mines resulted in employees developing noise induced hearing loss. The employees also reported that the employer takes time to repair broken protective hearing devices.







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