Knowledge, Attitude, Practices of Marketeers towards Solid Waste Management in Kalingalinga Compound of Lusaka District

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The research assessed the knowledge, attitude and practices of Marketeers at Kalingalinga Market on solid waste management. Quantitative methods were used and the sample size was 59. The findings reveal that 88.7% of the participants know what solid waste is and risks associated with it, while 11.3% did not know solid waste nor the risks associated with it. Concerning waste polluting the environment; 88.7% admitted to it, 1.9% said no, 1.9% were not sure and 7.5% did not know. Results on attitude included solid waste needs immediate attention; 83.0% I agree, 13.2% I disagree, 1.9% not sure, I don’t know 1.9%. Results on how they felt about how waste is handled; comfortable 56.6%, uncomfortable 39.6%, not sure 1.9%, I don’t know 1.9%. On practices; 79.2% used waste bins, 20.8% did not use waste bins. Also revealed is that 64.2% of the participants obey laws, 35.8% do not. The research concludes that Marketeers have relatively high levels of knowledge about solid waste and attitude is above average even though this did not influence good solid waste disposal practices. The study recommends local authorities to sensitise marketeers and involve them in the solid waste management decision making process.



Marketeers; Solid Waste Management; Kalingalinga Compound; Solid Waste Disposal; Local Authorities





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