The Impact of an Integrated Vector Management Approach in Malaria Reduction: A Case Study of Mangelengele Village of Luangwa District, Zambia
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Malaria is a major public health challenge and one of the leading causes of maternal and child deaths particularly in Africa. Globally, 229 million cases of malaria occurred in 2019 and the disease resulted in 409,000 deaths (WHO, 2019). According to the World Health Organization report (2020) an estimate of 94% of all malaria deaths occurred in Africa and 67% (274,000) of these deaths occurred in children under five. The method used was cross sectional research design, which took a qualitative approach. Purposive sampling technique was employed to select 30 community members of Mangelengele village. The interview guide was used to collect data. The findings revealed that the combined use of Long-lasting Insecticide Treated Net contributed to Malaria reduction in Mangelengele village. The knowledge levels by respondents was found to be high and utilization levels of Long-Lasting Insecticide Treated Nets were high, even though they were low in some households due to inadequate number received during the distribution time. Therefore, there is a gap between distribution of Long-Lasting Insecticide Treated Nets and its utilization. The conclusion is that the simple act of co-application of larviciding, sleeping under a long-lasting insecticide treated net and having a house sprayed against mosquitoes reduced the incidence of
Malaria in Mangelengele and can reduce this disease burden globally significantly.
Research Report Public Health