An Investigation into the effectiveness of the Community Resource Board (CRB) in Game Management : A Case of Chaiwa Game Management Area, Kafue District
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University of Lusaka
The purpose of this study, was to investigate the effectiveness of the Community Resource Board in Game management, the case of Chiawa Game management area, Kafue District. The study applied single method which was qualitative approach. Case study research design was used in this qualitative research because of the nature of the target population. The total sample size of the study was 40 determined by the principle of saturation. It applied criterion sampling method and purposive to capture the participants. Data was collected through interviews by utilizing semi-structured interview guides as tools for data collection. The raw data that was collected through semi-structured interview guide was analyzed using thematic analysis by following Braun and Clarke’ (2006) 6 step process. Two theories were used in this study, the theory of collective action and the theory common pool resource to guide the research. The research results revealed that the Chiawa CRB maintain transparency in its operations through regular meetings with the local community members which allows them to openly take part in decision-making processes. The results also revealed that the CRB work with the traditional leaders by informing them to call for meetings where Chiawa game management programs are shared with the local community members. It was also revealed that the CRBs call local community members regularly for activity planning concerning Chiawa game management area. The results indicates that through CRBs in Chiawa, the local community members are able to play their role towards game management,
the government also play it’s role and the conservation provides the services needed by working together for the benefits of the future generation. The findings also revealed that the Chiawa CRBs engage the local community in wildlife monitoring which triggers the sense of ownership and responsibility among local people in Chiawa chiefdom. It was also revealed that the CRB has enhanced communication channels between the local community and other stakeholders. The findings also shows that the Chiawa CRB is involved in awareness trainings within the community to inform the local community members about the dangers of pouching and other bad activities. It also revealed that the Chiawa CRB as a link ensures that local community members take part in the decision-making related to wildlife management. It was concluded that therefore, the Chiawa CRBs has effectively managed Chiawa game area by acting as a link between community members and the management in Chiawa game area. It was recommended that therefore, the government to support the CRBs with financial support so that they can continue to conduct education, awareness and capacity building programs if sustainable game and wildlife management was to be achieved in Chiawa and Zambia in particular. In the future the study proposed to conduct a mixed method so that variables on this topic can be measured since this was a pure qualitative.
Keyword: Effectiveness, Community Resource Board, Chiawa Game Management
Master’s Degree in Development Studies - Thesis