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Item The Disintegration of The Most Favoured Nations Principle under The World Trade Organisation: A Critical Analysis of the Impact of Regional Integration and Generalised System of Preferences as Exceptions to The Most Favoured Nations Principle in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade(2023) CHIPAMPE, ChitiThis thesis is on the disintegration of the most favoured nations principle under the world trade organization: a critical analysis of the impact of regional integration and generalized system of preferences as exceptions to the most favoured nations principle under the general agreement on tariffs and trade. The purpose of this study is to emphasize on the importance of the most favoured nations principle and how it plays a role with respect to the prevention of trade distortion and fairness regarding trade amongst WTO member countries. The objectives of this study include, providing a detailed analysis of what the Most Favoured Nations principle is, scrutinizing some exceptions to the Most Favoured Nations Principle, which are Regional Integration and Generalized System of Preferences, and how they are posing a detriment to the MFN Principle. The methodology of this research is as follows; this research was a qualitative mode of research as data was collected from secondary sources which include, foreign legislation, textbooks, cases and journal articles. The design of this research is an evaluative design. This research drew information from evaluating what various scholars have elaborated on the matters regarding MFN. The method of analysis of data collected was that of content analysis and focused on the context of the wording of the subject. The major findings of this research were that the GATT does not clearly define or limit the parameters of the use of regional integration and generalized system of preferences which can be subject to abuse and can therefore lead to discrimination. Also the WTO has not placed strict measures against countries for non- compliance with the standards of the WTO such as compliance with MFN.