Statistics for DSpace University of Lusaka
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Risk management practices in the tendering process of building projects in the Zambian construction industry: A case of local contractors in Lusaka | 28 |
An Evaluation of The Role of Electronic Government Procument in Service Delivery in The Public Sector: A Case of Selected Public Sector Organisations | 28 |
Exploring the Impact of Labour Force Variability on the Performance of the Health Insurance Industry in Lusaka | 13 |
Analyzing the effects of implementing Reverse Logistics on the performance of Beverage Manufacturing Firms in Zambia: A Case of Zambian Breweries Plc | 13 |
Debt Financing and Growth of Small-Scale Enterprises in Zambia | 12 |
An Analysis of the Challenges faced in Underwriting by Life Insurance Companies in Zambia | 12 |
An Examination of The Patents Act No.40 of 2016: Lessons drawn from Kenya and Seychelles | 12 |
An Analysis of the Impact of Market Risk Management on the Solvency of Insurance Companies in Zambia: A Case Study of Professional Insurance Zambia | 11 |
Knowledge, Attitude, Practices of Marketeers towards Solid Waste Management in Kalingalinga Compound of Lusaka District | 11 |
Modelling Extreme Rainfall in Zambia using the Generalised Extreme Value Distribution | 11 |