Statistics for DSpace University of Lusaka

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Risk management practices in the tendering process of building projects in the Zambian construction industry: A case of local contractors in Lusaka 28
An Evaluation of The Role of Electronic Government Procument in Service Delivery in The Public Sector: A Case of Selected Public Sector Organisations 28
Exploring the Impact of Labour Force Variability on the Performance of the Health Insurance Industry in Lusaka 13
Analyzing the effects of implementing Reverse Logistics on the performance of Beverage Manufacturing Firms in Zambia: A Case of Zambian Breweries Plc 13
Debt Financing and Growth of Small-Scale Enterprises in Zambia 12
An Analysis of the Challenges faced in Underwriting by Life Insurance Companies in Zambia 12
An Examination of The Patents Act No.40 of 2016: Lessons drawn from Kenya and Seychelles 12
An Analysis of the Impact of Market Risk Management on the Solvency of Insurance Companies in Zambia: A Case Study of Professional Insurance Zambia 11
Knowledge, Attitude, Practices of Marketeers towards Solid Waste Management in Kalingalinga Compound of Lusaka District 11
Modelling Extreme Rainfall in Zambia using the Generalised Extreme Value Distribution 11