Examining the Implementation of Sexuality and Reproductive Health Education among Adolescents in Selected Primary Schools of Zambia
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The study examined the implementation of sexuality and reproductive health among adolescents in selected primary schools in Zambia. The research employed a mixed method design and was undertaken in Lusaka, Kabwe, and Choma districts, targeting 700 adolescents aged 12 – 17 years. The findings demonstrate statistical evidence of Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) implementation in schools with the support of the trained teachers, and this led to a reduction in teenage pregnancy and school dropout rate. Also revealed is that CSE is included in national examinations, though most teachers not yet trained do not integrate CSE in their teaching. The study noted the challenges including lack of proper guidelines to effectively implement CSE; lack of learning and teaching materials and insufficiently trained teachers. The study further reveals that key components like School Related Gender-Based Violence do not receive adequate attention, yet is one of the key pillars of CSE implementation. Another finding is a varying relationships between the influence played by culture and religion to the expected function of CSE trained teachers. The study recommends that effective integration of CSE should be coordinated within the Ministry of Education in collaboration with the Ministry of Health
Comprehensive Sexuality Education; Sexual Reproductive Health; Institutionalisation; Social-Emotional Development; Adolescents; Sexual Health