Theses and Dissertations Collection

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    An Investigation of the Scope of Enhancing Bank Efficiency through Dynamic Capabilities
    (2019) BORERWE, Jeremiah Ethredge
    The study established the scope of enhancing bank efficiency through dynamic capabilities in the Zimbabwe dollarized environment in the light of possible idiosyncratic and environmental challenges. The findings reveal that structural constraints in the Zimbabwe dollarized operating landscape, macro-economic and financial sector management flaws, stalled bank efficiency enhancement. The problem was aggravated by various environmental challenges that included working capital constraints; macroeconomic management flaws, supervisory and regulatory flaws. The study concludes that the scope to enhance bank efficiency exists, subject to resolution of the challenges identified. The study recommends strengthening bank strategic management, financial sector management, adoption of sound macroeconomic management and enhancement of efficiency measurement methodologies.
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    Is Audit A Management And Economic Tool For Decision Making? A Comparative Study of Two Private and Two Public Institutions in Zambia
    (2019) HARA, Matthews C.
    The aim of the study was to explore whether there would be differences in the application of audit outputs as tools to make management and economic decisions in two categories of institutions in Zambia. A mixed methods equal status involving quantitative and qualitative (quan+qual) research design was employed. Cluster sampling and purposive sampling were employed to enlist respondents. One hundred and six employees were surveyed and 21 participated in in-depth interviews. Data was collected using a survey questionnaire and structured in-depth interview guide. Data was analysed using SPSS with a view of analysing, transforming, and producing a characteristic pattern between different data variables. A t-test and ANOVA was used to test if the two samples were statistically different from each other by comparing the means of both samples. The findings were that based on the immediate previous external audit reports, opinions were all unqualified. However, there were observed differences in the means of identified audit problems in the private and public sectors as shown by one sample t tests p = .001. There were also statistically significant differences in both management and economic decisions based on the identified audit problems. There was no clarity however in both organisations as to whether the managements’ of the two categories of organisations used the external auditors’ reports for their management and economic decisions.
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    The Management of School Libraries: A Comparative Study of Selected Private and Government Secondary Schools in Lusaka District
    (2017) MWALE, Oscar G. L.
    The study sought to evaluate The Management of School Libraries in Selected Private and Government Secondary Schools in Lusaka District-Zambia The findings of the study reveal that Libraries especially in government schools have challenges in their management. These range from; poor funding, lack of current and relevant books, expensive books on the market, no library computers, lack of trained librarian and poor library security. The study also established that the school head-teachers do not take a leading role in the management of the Libraries instead, they leave them to be managed by Teacher Librarians who receive no support from the school management. The study concludes that for School Libraries to be effective and provide quality Library Services, they need to be managed by trained personnel in Librarianship. The study recommends that; Ministry of General Education employ trained Librarians to manage the school libraries, Increase funding for Library operations, Schools to seek alternative sources of funding the libraries to ensure availability of current and relevant materials.
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    Local Government Financing: An Analysis of the Effects of Equalization Funds on Service Delivery in Selected Local Authorities in Zambia
    (2019) CHISHIMBA, Hanson C.K.
    The study Analysed the Effects of Equalisation Funds on Service Delivery in Selected Local Authorities in Zambia. It determined the financial, technical and administrative effects of equalisation funds and the extent to which Local Authorities utilise the funds. The finding of the study show that Local Authorities do not adhere to the prescribed guidelines on the utilisation of Equalisation Funds. Their employed methods of service delivery have proved to be very effective in the case of Town Councils, while in City and Municipal Councils, effectiveness of the methods is still below residents’ service expectation. The study concludes that, with the introduction of Equalisation Funds, estimates of revenue and expenditure for Local Authorities have been rising steadily, while their fiscal effort has been declining. The study recommends a redesigning of the Fiscal Architecture and the strengthening compliance to Financial Management Regulations by Local Authorities.
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    Microfinance Accessibility and Small Enterprise Financial Performance: Case of Harare, Zimbabwe
    (2019) HOSHO, Norbert
    The research sought To Determine Microfinance Accessibility to SEs, The Impact of Microfinance on SE Financial Performance. It investigated and analysed the moderating factors in the microfinance-SE financial performance relationship, with a view to proposing a suitable conceptual framework for SE microfinancing for MFIs. The research employed the mixed methods research strategy. The study established SEs’ selective demand for microfinance services and that micro-credit is the most popular and accessible microfinance service that has a positive impact on SE financial performance. The results of an analysis of the moderating factors in the microfinance-SE financial performance relationship shows that lack of information access amongst SEs ranked as first followed by lack of collateral, limited training and diversion of loans by SE beneficiaries. Adequate liquidity in MFIs, clear plans amongst SEs and high competition in the market had the least impact. The study concludes that although microfinance has a positive impact on an average SE’s financial performance, financial performance measures are not equally improved as a result of accessing microfinance. The study proposes an MFI conceptual framework for SE Microfinancing which places cognisance on adequate liquidity in the MFIs, sound client Knowledge, availability of collateral and proper documentation
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    Small and Medium Enterprises business sustainability challenges and rejoinders: A case of selected districts in Zambia
    (2019) KALYONGWE, Jones J.
    The study examined business sustainability and the challenges facing Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in selected districts in Zambia. The study adopted a mixed methods approach and primary data was collected using a Survey Questionnaire and Focus Group Discussions. Major findings of the study were that although there is adequate legal and policy framework for the promotion of the SME sector in Zambia, SMEs face serious challenges such as the lack of capital, entrepreneurial competencies, financial record keeping, too many competitors and high transport charges to reach markets. The study identified a broad-based theory in the form of a holistic framework for managing SME. It also established that dysfunctional District Business Associations and a weak and fragmented coordination between government agencies responsible for the implementation of the legal and policy frameworks and measures meant to develop the SMEs, have created a business environment where SMEs are not sustainable. The study recommends that Government should consider establishing an SME Bank to support the SME sector to ensure that SMEs have easy access to loans or funding for them to remain competitive.
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    Evaluating the effectiveness of Out-grower Projects in reducing poverty in rural Zambia: A case of the Eastern Province
    (2019) SILUNGWE, Sunday
    This study sought to evaluate the effectiveness of the out-grower schemes on reducing poverty in rural Zambia. The convergent parallel strategy of the mixed research methods approach was used. The findings from the study revealed that the out-grower schemes implementation contributed positively to poverty reduction among smallholder farmers participating in the out-grower scheme. It also established that the out-grower farmers had improved their knowledge in understanding the operation of the out-grower scheme. In this regard, the study concluded that the out-grower schemes had been effective in reducing poverty in the rural areas of Zambia. The study however recommended that there was need to address the issue of power imbalance between the out-grower farmers and the out-grower firms and also to address the high illiteracy levels among the rural farmers that required document transactions, by translating contracts in the local language for ease of understanding.
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    Investigating the relationship between mandatory contractual savings and stock market development in Sub-Saharan African countries
    (2019) MAPOSA, Lifa
    The study investigates the relationship between mandatory contractual savings and stock market development in Sub-Saharan African (SSA). The rationale of the study is that establishing the relationship between mandatory contractual savings and stock market development is expected to guide long-term policies pertaining to economic growth. The findings from this study revealed that mandatory contractual savings and stock market characteristics were both still ‘thin’ in most SSA countries except South Africa. Activity on stock markets was very low, led by low listings and limited participation by institutional investors from within and without. A positive relationship was found between mandatory contractual savings, stock market capitalization and value traded, running from mandatory contractual savings to stock market development which were found to ‘cause’ stock market development. There was however no causal relationships between mandatory contractual savings and number of listed companies. The study recommends to governments to respond to the common shift from formal sector driven economies to informal sector driven economies. It also recommends to re-grow formal sectors or incorporate informal sector to participate in pension schemes.
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    A business case for the adoption of a knowledge management strategy and government policy as precursors for divapreneurship development in Zimbabwe
    (2019) MANZINI, Sibongile
    The study showcases a business value proposition to policy makers for the adoption of a new business paradigm involving the infusion of knowledge management practices, strategic thinking and government policy intervention for divapreneurship development in Zimbabwe. It investigated the antecedents of bringing about the divatude (positive attitude) in women, as a new way of addressing the impediments to the development of women. The mixed method research paradigm was adopted. The findings of the study showed that there was a positive interrelationship between KM strategies and government policy in divapreneurship development. The dimensions of this interrelatedness for divapreneurship development were: the formation of an enabling environment for sharing knowledge, networking, entrepreneurship education, innovation and creativity. The study recommended a ten factor framework for divapreneurship development involving universities as the nerve centre in unrolling entrepreneurial education and training working in collaboration with the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, Community Development, and Small to Medium Enterprises.
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    Exploring the factors influencing the state of physical infrastructure of Subordinate Courts in the Republic of Zambia
    (2019) MALI, Emmanuel Makumba
    The study examined the factors contributing to the state of physical infrastructure of Subordinate Courts in the Republic of Zambia. A mixed-methods sequential explanatory approach was used. The findings revealed that there was limited administrative capacity in the Subordinate Courts. This, coupled with the under-funding and non-involvement of stakeholders in the design and management of judicial reforms had left the Judiciary without any form of social accountability. The study recommends the need to strengthen the current legal framework to guarantee greater fiscal independence of the Judiciary and provide for fiscal rules to guide the management of the Judiciary Budget.