Theses and Dissertations Collection
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Item Gender Based Violence against men in Zambia: The Ineffective Enforcement of The Anti-Gender Based Violence Act of 2011(University of Lusaka, 2025) CHINAMBU, Kamenji KafwiluDespite the enactment of the Anti-Based Violence Act of 2011 and other laws to curb genderbased violence, Zambia continues to experience alarming levels of gender-based violence. These include spouse battery, murder, sexual exploitation, rape, defilement, incest, forced prostitution, sexual harassment, sexual cleansing, early marriages and other forms of violence. In the first quarter of 2022 6,915 cases of Gender Based Violence were reported countrywide compared to 4,254 recorded in the first quarter of 2021 showing an increase of 2,661 cases translating to a 62.5%. The objectives of the study were to investigate causes of gender-based violence against men; to explore the provisions of the Anti- Gender based Violence Act of 2011 aimed at curbing GBVAM; to interrogate the causes of the ineffective enforcement of the Anti-genderbased violence Act of 2011 in curbing GBVAM. This study is useful to members of society, the government, non-governmental organisations, CSOs, the church, the international community, in short all stakeholders; as it unveils the reality of GBVAM which if taken seriously can contribute to the eradication of the GBV with the inclusion of all sexes, female and males respectively. The literature review was organized in such a way that it addresses the fundamental issues raised in the research questions and objectives such as the forms, causes, and consequences of female domestic violence against men. The theories employed were feminist, masculinity and social vs. biological theories. The research methodology employed in the study was the Socio-Legal Research or Study, which is an event where the science of law meets the science of society. The mixed research method was used; comprising qualitative and quantitative research methods. The study unfolded that the major Causes of the Ineffective Enforcement of the Anti-Gender Based violence Act of 2011 and Related Laws are Male Dominance in Heterosexual Relations; Withdrawal and Failure to prosecute some cases leads to Ineffective enforcement of the AntiGender Based Violence Act and related Laws; Patriarchy results in the ineffective enforcement of the Anti-Gender Based Violence Act and related laws and other legal challenges. The study recommends that the Government Must reform the Law on Gender-Based Violence; The Government through the Ministry of Chiefs Must Empower Traditional Leaders; The Government must intensify on gender roles sensitization; The Government must consider Alternative Measures to Address GBVAM; All stakeholders Must Support victims of GBVAM more and the Government Must Reform the Zambian Human Rights System. This thesis calls for and indeed opens up doors for future research on GBVAM in Zambia, as evident from the available literature that very few writers have directed their minds to writing on it as it is still a new occurrence. The researcher was of the view that future studies should contribute to scholarship on GBVAM in Zambia by embarking on the following equally important topics which are why empowered women are more prone to commit GBV against their partners; research on the relationship between poverty and GBV; why married women are also cheating on their husbands; to study the extent to which the law has failed to curb GBVAM and lastly, but not the least, why victims of GBVAM may not report to the police.