KAOMA, Brian2025-02-192025https://research.unilus.ac.zm/handle/123456789/384Master of Science in Project Management - ThesisThis study aimed at exploring the risks associated with building projects during the tendering process. The research determined the probability and impact of the explored risks on building projects if not managed during the tendering process. Furthermore, the research aimed at proposing a risk management framework using both internal and external technical input risk factors. Ultimately the research sought to find out the maturity levels of organizations in managing risks. The Methodology of the study followed a mixed method technique in which the questionnaire survey and interviews were used as data collection instrument. The study sample size was 87 out of target population of 109; the research had 80% response rate comprising technical personnel in the companies. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse the research findings. The research findings revealed that at tendering stage, building projects are exposed to more risks and these risks include the level of competition, Weather and Environmental Conditions, Clarity of bidding documents, Resource availability (Finance, material, labour), Project site location, Perception and experience of the estimator, Actual direct cost, Payment system, Time delivery, Fluctuations in exchange rates and project scope. The study findings revealed that these risks have a likely chance of occurring during the tendering process through the composite mean of (1.69 ~ 2) and that all the risks have the capability to impact building projects through the composite mean of (1.74 ~ 2). Lastly most contractors that participated in the study describe the maturity of the organisation risk management as aware (43.7%) denoting that they use scattered approach to risk management. Therefore it was recommended that contractors should involve professionals during tendering to price the works and government professional bodies should be proactive during the tendering process of building projects. And finally the researcher developed a Risk management framework that should be adopted in Zambia for Building projects at the tendering stage. Key Terms: Tendering process, Risk Management, Risk maturity, Building projectsenRisk management practices in the tendering process of building projects in the Zambian construction industry: A case of local contractors in LusakaThesis