NSAPATO, Limbani B. E.2021-12-012021-12-012020http://research.unilus.ac.zm/xmlui/handle/123456789/154The study sought to examine Managerial Perceptions and Strategic Choices in Addressing Dependence on Donor Aid in Financing Education in Malawi. The study established that there are differences in managerial perception and strategic choices which are a source of disequilibrium between policy and outcome in as far as reducing dependency is concerned. It was also established that people who fail to correctly perceive the environment prefer that government continues to rely on donor funding. The study also established that weak financial diversification strategy, weak mainstreaming of innovation, weak public financial management environment, and weak management capacity to implement policies and strategies made it difficult for government to address donor dependency. The study concludes that differences in managerial perceptions and strategic choices are a source of disequilibrium between policy and outcome in tackling the problem of high donor dependence. The study recommends that managers should develop and implement a diversified domestic revenue mobilisation strategy anchored on a robust dependency theory of change that addresses multiple factors contributing to the disequilibrium between policy and outcome.enManagerial Perceptions; Strategic Choices; Resource Dependence Theory; Donor Aid; Financing EducationAn Examination of Managerial Perceptions and Strategic Choices in Addressing Dependence on Donor Aid in Financing Education in MalawiThesis