LUNGU, Margaret Shanon2024-06-282024-06-282024localhost:4000/handle/123456789/301This research sought to explore the challenges facing Good Will Community School in its operations. Specifically, the study sough to; ascertain how inadequate learning and teaching aids pose a challenge to the operations of Good Will Community School; determine the extent to which teacher qualifications pose a challenge to Good Will Community School and to; investigate the state of the infrastructure and how it poses a challenge to Good Will Community School. Goodwill Community school is in Kalingalinga, Lusaka and is home to over 500 pupils. The study was conducted at Good Will Community School. The research employed a mixed methods approach. Questionnaires and interviews were used to collect data from learners, teachers as well as the School Manager. The sample consistent of 83 learners, all the six teachers and the School Manager. A total of 74 questionnaires were brought back from learners which is correspondent to 89.16 per cent of the total response rate. Data was analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) as well as thematic analysis. The study concluded that Good Will Community School encountered numerous challenges in its operations, and this led to increased absenteeism among learners, high dropout rates as well as demotivation among both learners and teachers. Among the notable challenges encountered Good Will Community School were absence of a library, inadequate desks, inadequate teaching and learning aids, lack of enough trained teachers, leaking flushable toilets and old pit latrines, inadequate offices for teachers, overcrowding in classrooms and erratic water supply. These challenges collectively led to poor academic performances of pupils and consequently brought dissatisfaction among parents or guardians regarding the performance of community schools like Good Will Community School. As a result, the government in collaboration with relevant stakeholder like the Zambia Open Community Schools (ZOCS) and various teaching Colleges should work to ensure they reserve several places in teacher training colleges every year for qualifying community schoolteachers. Community schools should also engage in other income generating activities like chicken rearing, vegetable farming and other fund-raising ventures like art as a way of raising extra funds and reducing over dependence on ZOCS. Key words: Community schools; ChallengesenAn Investigation into the Challenges affecting Community Schools in Lusaka: A Case Study of Goodwill Community School in Kalingalinga