MUBANGA, Davies2025-02-192025 of Business Administration with Education - ThesisThe study examined the factors that affect Secondary School pupil’s poor performance in Mathematics in selected Secondary Schools of Lusaka District. The study was led by three research objectives which were to identify the social factors that affect secondary school pupil’s poor performance in Mathematics, examine school and pupil’s-based factors and assess the effect of school management system on pupil’s poor performance in Mathematics. Relevant literatures were reviewed on theories and findings that emerged from different authors. A survey design which used both quantitative and qualitative aspects of research was used in the study. The study involved five (5) Secondary Schools, ten (10) teachers of Mathematics and fifty (50) Grade 12 pupils. These were obtained through simple random sampling. Five (5) Head teachers from five Secondary Schools were purposely selected. Questionnaires and interview schedules were used to collect data. The quantitative data were analysed by using descriptive statistics such as frequency and percentage and the qualitative information were analysed by thematic process. The results revealed that there are two major factors affecting Secondary School pupil’s poor performance in Mathematics namely school-based and pupil based factors. School-based factors incorporated professional qualification of teachers, knowledge of the subject, teaching method, and experience of teachers teaching mathematics, over-enrolment and motivation of pupils. Pupil-based factors included income, level of education for parents/guardians, absenteeism from mathematics lesson, learner attitude towards mathematics, performance of pupils in mathematics and family status. The findings of the study suggest that use of numerous assessments, motivating pupils and teachers by providing incentives, appropriate leadership style in managing the school and providing necessary learning and teaching material can improve poor performance in mathematics among secondary school pupils. This calls for the teachers of Mathematics, School Administrators, Parents and all stakeholders to get involved in the education of mathematics to pupils at Secondary School level of education.enExamining the Factors that affect secondary school pupil’s poor performance in Mathematics: A Case of selected schools in Lusaka DistrictThesis